
Read articles by the Avathon staff on artificial intelligence and how AI is transforming industry

Industrial AI and IOGP: Saving Lives in Oil and Gas

Workers’ lives and livelihoods depend on observing safety requirements at all times. Safety awareness and proactiveness are critically important in the oil and gas industry. Preventing vehicle accidents, avoiding slips and falls, and eliminating injuries caused by heavy machinery are all important elements in the safe day-to-day operation of oil rigs, refineries, and other facilities. The advanced computer vision capabilities of Avathon’s Industrial AI Platform ensures that safety practices are enforced, reducing accident rates and improving oil and gas industry productivity. With Avathon, companies can easily adhere to the life saving rules for safety in the oil and gas industry developed by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP).

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Artificial Intelligence and the Winds of Change

The windmill was invented by the Persians sometime around the ninth century, and ever since, humankind has been harnessing the power of the wind to do everything from grinding grain and pumping water to, more recently, generating electricity. Now, with the growing focus on climate change mitigation and the need to broaden the portfolio of energy-generation assets, wind power has risen to the forefront of investment and installation. Growth in the wind power industry has taken two distinct forms in recent years: more turbines being installed in more locations, and ever-larger turbines in the pursuit of greater economies of production.

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Empowering the World with Digital Public Infrastructure

Last week, world business and political leaders met in Davos, Switzerland for the 55th annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF). The weeklong conference was structured around five key themes: Rebuilding Trust, Reimagining Growth, Investing in People, Safeguarding the Planet, and Industries in the Intelligent Age, all of which were subsumed under the unifying theme of Collaboration for the Intelligent Age.

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A New Future Built on a Foundation of Industrial AI 

Even though the origins of artificial intelligence (AI) date back to the 1940s, AI has never captured the imagination of the business, government, and the public like we have seen in recent years. It’s suddenly even common to find AI breakthroughs covered in national news broadcasts. A huge part of this groundswell of interest stems from the simple fact that there’s serious money to be made in the field of AI.

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Digital Twins: Models of the Real World Powered by Industrial AI

Seemingly everyone is talking about how a digital twin will improve business as part of an overall Industrial AI strategy. But what does the phrase really mean, and how can a digital twin help manufacturers, shippers, and industrial companies? Simply put, a digital twin is a virtual representation of an object or system that spans its entire lifecycle; this mirror image is updated from real-time data and uses simulation, machine learning, and AI-enabled reasoning to glean insights into the operation of the real system being modeled. 

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AI-Powered Solutions Prepare International Business for Tariff Turmoil

Responding to recent announcements of impending changes to  international trade regulations and tariffs, companies have, as described in a Forbes article, announced a variety of reactive approaches, including seeking alternative manufacturing sources, stockpiling inventory, and diversifying their supply chains. However, none of these tactics can happen quickly and they all come with associated costs, e.g., the tying up of operating cash that’s required to stockpile unneeded inventory.

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Visual AI Transforms Retail Store Operations

Retail and convenience store operators face many challenges, including labor shortages, traffic management, theft/pilferage, and customer/employee safety. Also, unlike online retailing, which is replete with data on everything from sales performance and returns to evolving customer preferences, physical stores often do not have access to such data. They can’t easily track and measure individual touchpoints between customers and the business, key information for improving customer experience and store profitability. Artificial intelligence (AI) is uniquely poised to change this scenario and has begun doing so for several companies Avathon has worked with in recent years.

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AI Optimizes Battery Energy Storage System Performance

With renewable energy asset deployment rapidly growing to meet ambitious carbon-reduction goals, the success of wind and energy generation depends increasingly on the ability to store energy to meet inconsistent demand swings. That goal is achieved using battery energy storage systems (BESS), which are fast becoming a crucial component of renewable project success. As battery storage has grown in recent years—expected to total 30 GW by the end of 2024 in the U.S.—there is an equally growing need for solutions to monitor and maintain these complex assets. To deliver on their many benefits, BESS systems—like all technology assets—require continuous performance tracking and occasional maintenance.

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Industrial AI Streamlines Oil and Gas Operations 

Over the past decade, the oil and gas industry has made major investments in artificial intelligence, identifying a wide range of opportunities for operational improvement as a result. According to Gartner, over 39% of industry leaders are increasing their oil and gas AI investment in 2022 and projecting a total spend in excess of $2 billion.   O&G AI is a game-changing opportunity for a critical energy industry For many years, energy companies have collected vast quantities of performance information, hoping they can identify applications that will make effective use of the data. But this rarely occurs – partly due to the immensity of the information, partly because traditional tools

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How Can Warfighters Utilize AI to Improve Military Supply Chain Management?

“In today’s rapidly evolving defense manufacturing and operations landscape, maintaining an agile and resilient supply chain is more important than ever. Leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) technology, our team empowers the DoD and Defense Primes to mitigate disruptions by proactively identifying risks and optimizing logistics and supply chain operations.” This sentiment, expressed by Avathon Government President and General Manager Art Sellers, succinctly describes the challenges faced by modern warfighters and the processes that keep them supplied with weapons, ammunition, and support systems. Defense supply chain optimization is critical.  In a recent podcast—-How the Air Force is Using AI to Fix Supply Chain Challenges—-Sellers went on to

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Industrial AI Boosts CPG Sustainability

Few industries adapt as quickly to consumer wants and needs as manufacturing. As goods like food, beverages, and household products require routine replacement or replenishment, consumer-packaged-goods (CPG) manufacturers must be at the top of their game throughout the entire supply chain process to meet and exceed those needs while also maintaining product quality. Using Industrial AI to reduce waste and promote sustainability both saves money and improves consumer sentiment about the brand.   Is using Industrial AI to reduce waste really that important? In a 2022 IBM study with the National Retail Federation: Half of consumers say they’ve paid up to a 59% premium for products branded as sustainable. 62% of

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Visual AI Improves Oil & Gas Safety

In 2010, the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers issued its Report 459, creating a set of 18 rules designed to minimize the number of fatal accidents happening at oil & gas work sites. In 2018, they revised this set of rules, reducing the list to nine and making them more succinct and actionable than the original set. As part of the release of the updated report, the IOGP asserted that more than 375 lives would have been saved over the previous decade had these rules been followed.  Visual AI, in combination with Avathon Industrial AI platform, plays a large role in keeping oil & gas operations safe. Health,

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